Sunday, November 25, 2007

Task 18 continued...

it worked - yeah, sure it needs a bit of refinement, but it actually worked.
I am impressed!

Week 8: Task 18 - online applications and tools

wow, this is something I can really find a use for. I am quite excited by this one.
I have begun working up an excel sheet, which I would like to embed here.
I have followed Zoho's advice, so here goes...

if it doesn't work, it could be because it hasn't loaded onto Zoho's server yet, or it could be that i haven't got a clue what I am doing, or it could be that I am trying to put the link into the wrong part of my blog.

I wonder if it worked. Let's publish this post and see, shall we?
I'll try plan B if this doesn't work...

Week 7 Task #17 Sandbox Wiki

Week 7 sees me mucking around in a sandbox. I have added my blog to the list, (I jumped the queue and went straight to the top of the list, naughty me). I thought I would play a bit with my url, and make it a different colour to everyone else's - but by the time I had thought of it, someone had locked the sandbox for editing. And that is no fun at all, so I have given up.
Sandboxes I guess have their place.

Monday, November 12, 2007

week 7 task #16

I have just scratched the surface with this at present.
But my little brain is just racing with possibilities. I will need to do a bit more exploring yet, and I am just about out of time today. But I can the potential in a professional capacity to introduce some Wiki stuff for our library. Being who I am though, I will need to do a little more exploring before I get into details.

Looking forward to future time on this one.

Task #15 a couple more thoughts

oops, I got so carried away, I forgot to make mention of the articles I read.
I took a look at Dr Wendy Schultz's thoughts in "to a temporary place in time". It was a bit high brow for me.
Then I took a look at Rick Anderson's "Away from icebergs". I could associate with some of his thoughts on future directions.
Let's see those little ships charting their own paths which hopefully best meets the needs of their own community. (Now let's get about defining "community").

Week 6 Task #15

Future of libraries.
OK, let me state up front. I work in the library industry and I truly love it. I am not a librarian, but I am still part of the team which delivers a wonderful service to a community who truly appreciates what we do, and what they can get access to.
I see libraries as a multi-layered entity. Some people come to us for the opportunity to interact with real people - their friends, and library staff who they consider to be their friends. Some people come to us for information - physical or online information; and some of these people are extremely capable and self sufficient while some of these people need a bit of help with not only finding the information they require but actually deciding what that information is that they require.
I engage in conversations with people all the time. We exchange ideas and I decide which of their ideas I agree with and accept, and which of their ideas I think are utter rubbish. I see this as no different to how the online world is developing. There is a proliferation of ideas out there which I think are reasonable and I might take some on board - but there are also those out there which I think are utter rubbish. When I need to "learn" something, the inference is that I don't already know about this subject nor do I have any firm ideas. My time is limited, I don't want to "learn" from a source which turns out to be utter rubbish.
This to me is the danger of things like Wiki, and and Technorati. Just because there is a very large number next to a site which seems to indicate it is popular, doesn't make it authoratitive or helpful.
I am old fashioned. I go to a library for recreational purposes as well as learning purposes. I like to take away my information so that I can digest it in the comfort of my own home, perhaps over a cup of coffee or a piece of toast, while I ruffle my dog's ear. I would really not like to see libraries become techno-centric and virtualised. This would be my worst nightmare. I do however see the value in subscribing to electronic reference materials and educating users in getting the best out of the wealth of information that is available online. This does require a considerable amount of time decidated to it. So, perhaps the money we save on buying some physical materials can be transferred into an "educating" budget.

Oh dear, I wonder if I will still have a job when I have completed this week's exercise (just joking!)

Week 6 Task #14

wow, there are people in the world with an awful lot of time on their hands.
OK, so I have been to Technorati, I have discovered that by doing a keyword search for Learning 2.0 in blog posts returned 6616 results, so that is obviously a very broad search. I have discovered that by doing a keyword search for Learning 2.0 in tags returned 658 results, so that is a bit more managable. And finally, I discovered that by doing a search for Learning 2.0 in the blog directory gives 806 results, so that is a slightly different result again.
Again, this is not something which I would invest my personal time in.

Week 6 task #13

I have to admit, I don't really get this one. I can understand the principles, but I can not see the advantages that are returned for all the effort you put into this. And it is just another account to have to manage.
In any case, I did look around and I did see the lists and things that other people have done, so clearly for them it works. But for me, I cannot really see that I would expend my energy into creating a account and tagging stuff within that account.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

task#12 Rollyo

well, well, well.
I have created a little search thingy. So go on - load up your dogs and start holidaying (I know I am going to!)

task 11 - LibraryThing

I really love books - don't get me wrong. But I love to read them, to peruse them, to look at their pictures, to borrow them, to own them. I don't like to catalog them!
However, in the interests of self-education, I have taken the ultimate step and cataloged some books which I own, and some which I hope to own soon, and some which I have simply read and therefore I own them in my memory.
If you want to know what I read or use as reference in my life, these things can be found at

Week 5 - play week

Well, I have now monsterised myself - some say it is long overdue.
This self portrait was done in

task 9

the library related rss that I subscribed to was one which tells me about filtering in public libraries - a bit topical at our joint at present.

Week 4: RSS & newsreaders

So I have now learnt about RSS feeds - I even subscribed to 1 or 2. I don't think this is something I would rush around and tell everyone they must have access to this, but I guess one day it may be more useful to me. It seems the sort of thing which is more useful when you have a little more leisure time to get the most out of it. Which is really odd seeing as most people say the opposite - that it is much more useful for very busy people. One of life's little enigmas I guess.