Sunday, December 2, 2007

Week 9: Podcasts task #21

Podcast search engines are pretty good.
They help you find the content that you are after. I managed to find some interesting podcasts and I found some Jimmy Barnes stuff. I did find that many of the sites actually did require some special software to be loaded - which I didn't particularly wish to do.

Week 9: Youtube - success at last!

wow - I have actually managed to add some Youtube content to my blog. In the side bar, there is a shortcut which has some YouTube content in it. and when you click on it, over it goes into my blog! pretty brilliant eh?

week 9 continued

this is probably going to make that link work better....
back soon

week 9 - fun task #20 - YouTube

Apparently, by simply adding this url, I can in someway redirect my avid blogging fans to the joy that was 1970s commercials - for toys. and boy, wasn't it all about class back then!
I am now about to see what I have actually achieved by adding this url, back soon.

Week 8 Task #19 Web 2.0 awards

I am afraid I don't see why this website - - is especially in a Web 2.0 awards list. I think this is a fantastic website, and definitely one i will be returning to. I guess there are some widgets well used, and some clever mapping devices. Great content though.
Go green now! I know I will be!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Task 18 continued...

it worked - yeah, sure it needs a bit of refinement, but it actually worked.
I am impressed!

Week 8: Task 18 - online applications and tools

wow, this is something I can really find a use for. I am quite excited by this one.
I have begun working up an excel sheet, which I would like to embed here.
I have followed Zoho's advice, so here goes...

if it doesn't work, it could be because it hasn't loaded onto Zoho's server yet, or it could be that i haven't got a clue what I am doing, or it could be that I am trying to put the link into the wrong part of my blog.

I wonder if it worked. Let's publish this post and see, shall we?
I'll try plan B if this doesn't work...